Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The sun is peaking. All you can hear is some cars in the distance, maybe some children's voices lingering. The temperature is perfect and you have that morning crisp. I can tell it has just rained, but it is not humid at all. I look around and feel this sense of .... comfort that nature is presenting a gift, if you will.
Walking to breakfast, I thought to myself, there is no way you can let this day go wrong. You can't. And if you do, well, thats your own fault. This weather is beautiful. You can't ask for better. This is true. To my dismay, I walk into the cold cafeteria with chairs still up on the tables and some 4 or 5 people sitting at various tables, to find it is a cold breakfast with cereal. I did manage to find some bagels with strawberry cream cheese. This day is going to be good.
Today I was scheduled to work on my lesson plans from 10am-dinner (6pm). Those 8 hours..... I nothing done. I can say that I finished a lesson plan, but that isn't really the case. My lesson plan I was supposed to start on...I have one sentence...and I'm not sure the title counts.
You ever think you are getting over something and then you hear a know. That song that you start to sing along to, and then realize how ...real it is right now. You never really realize how personal that song could be to anyone, let alone you. You start to carefully listen to the lyrics and ah-ha.... this is your life story. You stop everything and start this daze into nothing at all, but take in the song. You take in the meaning. Needless to say... this happened over....and over....and over...... and over again. Before i knew it, i had skipped out on lunch in the cafeteria. Soon was dinner time.

At night we had this thing called CLUB. It is a night activity in the sanctuary here on campus. We have skits, and a game (basically minute to win it type), worship songs, and message. Today's band was called The Sparks. they were pretty amazing. Some things that were said in today's worship and songs from the Sparks really hit home...... It was overwhelming. I was sitting on the floor against the wall listening to this woman talk about feeling alone....betrayed....sad...confused....angry......frustrated. And alas... there was that ah-ha moment. this is my life story. It was a very transfixing feeling. I felt a sharp knife in my chest....but a gentle touch on my shoulder.
Believe it or not...I think I may be beginning a connection with Him.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jeremy,

    I know I don't know you all that well (which hopefully changes over the summer)but I found your blog...pretty easy when it is on your facebook. Needless to say I decided to read this post. Again, like I previously said, I don't know you much at all but I hope you find what you are looking for this summer. I hope you get what you need out of being here. I hope this place touches your life in ways you never expected. Who knows what is in store for each one of us. The hardest thing for me is to hope and believe that I can be of use here, that I am where I am suppose to be.

    Enjoy home and we all will see you Monday at some point during the day.

  3. I'm sorry you had kind of a rough day but I'm glad that you are feeling like you might be getting closer to Him :)
