Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Just had to share this with yinz...

Today I was asking each student some questions for an evaluation type thing.
As I was asking one of the students a question, she interrupted me by asking,
"Mr. Jermy, is Santa fo real? Like, is he fo REAL? I hope he is..."
"Well..... sure he is. Why do you ask?"
"Because some kids at my schoo said he ain't real and there aint no santa."
"Well, _____ , just because one or a couple people say something isn't real, doesn't always mean that they are right. You believe in him right?"
"Yeah Mr. Jermy, but my mom puts out presents too. But I think shes just helping him."
" :) Yeah... I think she is too. But, _____ , just know that when some people tell you not to believe in something, don't always listen to them. There's going to be many times when other kids will tell you something else to believe in that you don't believe in. All you need to do is keep believing what you want to believe in! You believe in God. If someone at school told you he doesn't exist, you wouldn't stop believing in God, right?"
"right............. thanks Mr. jermy :D *Huge Hug* "

I was all smiles when she gave me that hug. This is why I love AmeriCorps. There's a quote from an AmeriCorps poster saying "We look the child in the eye and say 'I believe in you'" That's exactly what I want to do with my little time I am with the kids. I'm going to miss these kids.

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